Watkins Web 1

Website show and tell; www.sonnyt.com

Online Portfolio of Sonny Tulyaganov

I found this site interesting because it accomplishes many of the same effects as a flash site, yet uses no flash at all. The buttons animate when clicked and bring up an interface that lets you scroll down through his portfolio. All the animations have a delay on them, which is neat at first but gets tedious when navigating through the different pages. It's just a simple portfolio site and there are only three main pages though so perhaps it isn't meant to be viewed more than once.

The layout is interesting and minimalistic, which is typical of many modern portfolio sites. It utilizes a continuous long page that you scroll down to display his portfolio pieces, which cuts down on the amount of clicking and simplifies navigation. Interesting to note is that he seems to have embedded his blog into the site as well. Perhaps this utilizes RSS in some way to recreate the blog, rather than making an actual portal to another site.